Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Ayned Out

I hate Ayn Rand. She was a terrible writer and an even worse human being. Her philosophical writings are unintelligible trash and her creative works are unimaginative crap. Atlas Shrugged is probably the worst novel ever written. Her ideas are self-serving bullshit; morally bankrupt, spiritually impovished, and logically laughable. Fucking over others cannot possibly be the highest idea to which a rational man can aspire.

Objectivism is the philosophical equivalent of stealing pencils from a blind man; which I've heard Rand actually did once when her typewriter ribbon ran out of ink.  She was the patron saint of selfishness; the original apostle of greed and unsavory physical appetites.She was a user through and through and she probably went to hell when she died. Oh, and she had a face like Hitler's sister. Later pictures of her look like portraits of Dorian Gray. Why do they still stock this woman's books at Barnes and Noble?

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