Tuesday, April 15, 2014

First and Last Impression

Out of the corner of my eye
I spied her. . .

her long brown hair tied with a gypsy scarf
her dark eyes fixed intently before her
staring into space unoccupied by myself.

Nervously I turned my face ever so slightly
hoping to catch one of those dark eyes
before it danced from view. . .

but my own eye encompassed nothing
but the sunlight and the shadow.

*                    *                    *                    *

This poem was written almost twenty-five years ago. It's inspiration was a girl I met in one of my classes my sophomore year of college. It is the only poem I ever wrote for or about her; and is one of the few pieces I've ever written about a woman that I could bear to look at five minutes after I wrote it. Although we subsequently struck up a sort of casual friendship, we never really got to know each other very well. I saw her "sunlight" and her "shadow," but nothing in between.

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