Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Annoying Conservatives

If you really want to annoy a conservative, try to work the following words or phrases into the conversation: environmentalist, feminist, civil libertarian, labor organizer, teacher, gay activist, liberal, Obama, Bill Clinton, global warming, Dubya, evolution, big bang, abortion, 1st Amendment, marijuana, gun control, Al Sharpton, Hillary, ACLU, MSNBC, tax hike, Koch Brothers, middle class, Latino, New York City, California, Hurricane Katrina, Water-boarding, FDR, Watergate, AND slavery.

Have fun with it. See how many of them you can get in a single sentence. It doesn't have to make sense, just as long as it's grammatically correct:

"While visiting New York City for a ACLU conference on global warming -- highlighted by a speech by gay activist Bill Clinton -- Al Sharpton told me that most of the funds set aside to help victims of Hurricane Katrina were used by Dubya Bush to buy marijuana for his Latino civil libertarian friends at MSNBC."

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