Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Enemy

Dark is his face, dark as the night
Sunken in shadow, shielded from the light.
Cruel and conceited, pleased at the sight
Of fear.
Holding it dear
My enemy draws near.
Through teeth sharp as knives a challenge is hissed
Words of iron crawl through the mist.
Gloved in steel, a verbal fist
Upon me is laid.
From the heel of his boot to the tip of his blade
I have seen the enemy and I am dismayed.

Cold is his voice, cold as the tomb
Soft and deceitful, reeking perfume.
Calm and quiet, a wolf costumed
As a lamb.
In full command
My enemy makes his stand.
Mocking my courage, he crosses his heart
Begrudging the ground that keeps us apart.
Considering me but an upstart
Easily dispatched.
From the jaws of victory defeat has been snatched
I have seen the enemy and I am over-matched.

Closer I draw, close as I dare
Breathing labored, gasping for air.
Daunted dumb, nerved by the nightmare
Now faced.
Courage misplaced
My enemy's hand seems graced.
Dropping his hood, he reveals himself to me
Triumphantly parading his true identity.
I was a fool not to see
The end of the game.
After years of battle I'm ready to proclaim:
"I have seen the enemy and I now know his name!"

In horror I stand, transfixed by the sight
Sword limp at my side, unable to fight.
I am undone, overwhelmed by the might
Of my foe.
His eyes aglow
My enemy strike the first blow.
Losing my balance, I fall to the ground
My limbs aching, my head spinning around.
Hell bent and Heaven bound
If such places be.
Though the truth has been divulged I am far from free
I have seen the enemy and the enemy is me. . .

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