Monday, April 7, 2014

The Grand Romantic Gesture

I like myself best when I'm unreasonable and outrageously romantic. It doesn't matter what the outcome of my behavior will be or what others think of me. I am in my element and the world moves to the beat of my own drum and no one else's. Life isn't school. You're not graded by your supposed superiors. There are no standardized tests to tell you if you are ready to move from one stage to another.

It's all rhythm and rhyme. Dance steps taught by the turn of the seasons. Neither speed nor skill is an issue. Appearance is unimportant. Existence is not an abstract concept, but something that breathes as regular intervals. And I am as close to being content as I've ever been or probably ever will be. I am undoubtedly and unapologetically me. . .

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