Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Dozen Haiku

today is special
the sky may be dark and grey
but we're together

after days and weeks
everything falls in place
a poem writes itself

how clumsy of me!
i've spilled coffee in your lap!
and you wanted tea!

the senses betray
eyes can be closed and ears shut
when the heart demands

on Easter morning
children (cruel in their young tastes)
eat candy crosses

the brilliant aura
red around the setting sun
is colored by dirt

every drop of blood
drawn from my incisioned vein
beats my heart faster

the oppressive night
closes about my shoulders
like a leaden cloak

melting icicles
send tinted drops of water
spiraling earthward

thunder broke the sky
shattered pieces fell earthward
striking the landscape

the phantom moon
silver in its ghostly glow
haunts my seeking eyes

above the thunder
mothers call their children home
as if with one voice

1 comment:

  1. It took forever to get the photos in the right place for this one! Writing the poetry took less time. . .
