Friday, April 4, 2014

Something to Pass an AM Hour

I am but one of a hundred billion born on earth. Four hundred thousand years old. Twenty thousand generations long. All dust or destined to be dust. The same molecules used over and over again. Me and many more. Turn your head and we are gone.

It is a loneliness that staggers the heart. It is a unity that freezes the soul. It is a body trapped in one place. It is a mind that touches the stars. It is me and my kind. It is the world we share. It is the arms we leave empty. It is the light and the dark. It is what is and what is no more.

This is what I do when I cannot sleep. I dream in black and white. I fill the emptiness with words on a page. Sunday silence and tapping keys and the sound of my own voice. Nothing special, nothing compelling, nothing profound, jest something to pass an AM hour.

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