Sunday, April 13, 2014

Horse Meets Burger

A little ditty written many years ago, recently found and touched up a bit. Both disgusting and whimsical:

Molly sold her mare, a steed beyond compare
Without batting an eyelash.
A slaughter house back East bought the noble beast
To recycle into hash.

Grace and romance no longer have a chance
In this day and age.
Thoroughbred ground round, stallion $2.00 a pound
Today is all the rage.

Before the leer of greed disguised as economic need
Riders bite the dust.
Buggies are eaten away and saddles decay
As bit and bridle rust.


Triple crown winners make excellent dinners
Quote Julia Child.
Cowboys alone on the range look a bit strange
And more than a little beguiled.

From barn and stable to skillet and table
A meal fit for company or kin.
Hooves, fetlocks, and maybe an equestrian gravy
To dip your biscuit in.

Isn't it funny what men will do for money
I'm totally taken aback.
Colts are crucified and fillies murdered to provide
Horse meat for a Big Mac.

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