Monday, April 28, 2014

Not THAT Word

I've complained about this before. People don't pass away, they die. The term "passing away" is an affront to both the living and the dead. It's also -- as a euphemism -- an appallingly un-creative use of the English language. If you really don't want to use THAT word, there are several colorful phrases that can be used instead; each of them with considerably more pizzazz that "passing away." As a replacement, I suggest one of the following:

1] Simple. Croaked, Bought It, Snuffed It, Bit It, Checked Out, D'd.

2] Earthy. Kicked the Bucket, Pushing Up Daisies, Six Feet Under, Joined the Bone Club, Joined the Coffin Club, Food For Worms, Plant Nutrient, Sleeping with the Fishes, Buried in the Rich Brown Earth.

3] Religious. Gone to Meet His Maker, Gone to Meet Saint Peter, Entered the Pearly Gates, Singing with the Choir Invisible, Crossed the River Jordan, Joined God and His Angels, Exchanged his Hat for a Halo, Joined Atman, Merged with the Godhead.

4] Poetic. Cast Off this Mortal Coil, Sleeping the Big Sleep, Been Externalized, Rejoined Creation.

5] Clever. Left the Party Early, Left the Station Ahead of the Train, Abandoned the Game, His Number was Called, Taken His Final Bow, Drank His Final Bud.

Try one. See what rolls off the tongue easily and what clogs up your throat. It all depends on personal taste and your sense of proper decorum. Maybe you could come up with something on your own. Something new and unique. Be creative. Make a game of it. The whole family could play.

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