Saturday, April 26, 2014

Advice Unheeded

Everybody gets hurt, it’s an occupational hazard of life, but you shouldn’t let your fear of pain prevent you from living. You worry about your inability to love, but build a wall around your heart that a half ton of dynamite and a library of poetry couldn’t knock down. You can’t be swept off your feet if you glue your shoes to the floor. You’ve got to take a chance on somebody some time.

As Woody Allen observed “eighty percent of life is just showing up.” Well, I think that eighty percent of finding love is just staying open to the possibility; in finding the perfections in the people that approach us and not the flaws. If you search for flaws in a person, you will always find some. You can always come up with reasons why someone is inappropriate for you. If that’s all you’re looking for. . .

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