Sunday, April 27, 2014

A Free Man

A free man looks not to the sky
to find a way to live or a reason to die.
He knows whether he sinks or swims
depends exclusively on him.
Only slaves, dependent on divine whim
need a cue to laugh or cry.

A free man invokes no other name
when giving the credit or placing the blame.
He accepts full responsibility
for all he is or ever can be.
Only cowards, so terrified of being free
make any other claim.

A free man allows chains of no kind
to muddle the truth or place fetters on his mind.
He seeks but to live and learn
forsaking hearsay at every turn.
Only idiots, thoroughly convinced rebels burn
are otherwise inclined.

A free man lives not in hope or dread
of rewards or punishments after he is dead.
He believes this life is all we get
and tries to make the best of it.
Only fools, creating thrones and bottomless pits
can see blood where none is shed.

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