Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Not Gonna Happen

I think when somebody uses the phrase "not gonna happen" forty-seven times in the same fifteen minute conversation that one can safely assume that whatever they're referring to is "not gonna happen." Optimism is one thing, delusion is quite another.

It's amazing the number of words spoken by others that we just ignore. We hear sounds and register their meaning. Then we step back into our own little world and slowly the re-interpretive process begins. Brick by brick our egos tear down disappointment's solid facade and replace it with a more hopeful structure.

We protect our hearts, but ruin our lives in the pursuit of things that are never going to be. I hold popular literature largely responsible for this state of affairs, but popular literature is but a reflection of human nature. We are what we are, I guess, but knowing that doesn't rectify the situation. Knowing you share a flaw with others doesn't make it a virtue.

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