Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Leopard and its Spots

Liberals think they can shame conservatives into behaving properly, but they're wrong. Conservatives have no shame. Conservatives have no sense of the ridiculous. They don't understand satire. You can't hold a distorted mirror up to one of them and expect him or her to respond to what they see. Their way of looking at the world is already so distorted they can't be made to appear any more comical or out of step with reality than they already are.

They look in the mirror every day and nothing they see bothers them. Their response to ridicule and humor will always be to revenge themselves on the banana peel and silence anyone who laughs. Donald Trump's recent legal suit against Bill Maher is ample proof of this. Face it, guys, you can laugh at them if you want, but don't expect them up clean up their act. A shit leopard can't change its shit spots. You can't convert a sociopath. You can't shame a shameless man.

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