Thursday, June 19, 2014


From June 1984 and today. Still an island thirty years later. . .

If any man is an island, I am he
Cut off from the world by miles of sea
A jewel in the ocean, an unfinished stone
Facing the sun and the seasons alone.

If any man is a prisoner, that man is me
Trapped behind walls, unable to flee
A criminal mastermind, an innocent man
Placed behind bars by my own shaking hand.

If any man is alone, I am surely
Even God in Heaven takes no stock of me
An actor backstage, an author unread
Scared of views taken and things left unsaid.

If any man is an island, I am he
As apart from the crowd as a body can be
A port side paradise on the starboard bow
An island then and an island now.

1 comment:

  1. An old poem with a new last stanza. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
