Thursday, June 12, 2014

Last Audition

I am currently auditioning for eternity. My only desire is that my performance will be remembered. But I soon will be beyond desire. And have no ear to hear the applause. Or body to take a bow. Or eyes to read the reviews. Or brain to grasp the fact. That everyone is forgotten eventually. And that eventually is an infinitesimally short period of time.

Take a picture, A glossy 8 by 10. It lasts longer. But not much. This moment and this life are almost gone. And I know deep down. That the current tap dancing clown. Is already a relic of the past. That this renaissance of words will end. And velvet night will crash to the floor. A mildewed curtain that cuts off the actor from his audience.

The cradle has rocked for the last time. A ten second earthquake of activity. Ending in solace and certainty. I chose my speech well. I wrote my own lines. I needed no props. And ended with barely enough air in my lungs to wait with bated breath. We have your name and number. You're not quite what we were looking for. But maybe. . .

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