Monday, June 30, 2014

Not Politically Motivated

GOP Representative Insists That
The Lawsuit Against Obama
Is Not Politically Motivated

No, of course it's not politically motivated. It's racially motivated. They'd sue any uppity black man who disagreed with them. The GOP's philosophical commitment to angry, white males -- otherwise known as the "Southern Strategy" -- requires no less; now that physical lynching is out of the question. Everybody has their place and a black man's place is not in the White House; hence the name "White House." Rumor has it that he's even used the toilet! It's all quite simple and completely logical if you're either a racist yourself or have decided to make common cause with racists.

The race card is a prominent feature in the Teapublican playing deck. Once it's on the table whoever points out its presence is assigned the blame for it being there. After all, only a racist would call someone a racist, right? If this type of reasoning disturbs you, just remember: circular logic seems to be the only kind of logic a conservative understands. Also, it may be pointed out that blaming the opposition for your own shortcomings is a time honored political tradition and a common tactic of both major parties. Nothing new there.

Boehner and company taking the President to court shouldn't surprise anyone. In an era of government where the supreme legal authority of the land pays no attention to either common sense or past precedent, the most outrageous lawsuits and quasi-legal challenges are now heard without even a chuckle (much less a full belly laugh). If this case goes to the Supreme Court, we all know how it will be decided; unless, of course, Antonin Scalia has a massive coronary in the middle of watching gay porn and drops dead the day before arguments begin. We can always hope. . .

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