Saturday, June 7, 2014

Power Policies

On the power priorities of petty profiteers and their pocketed politicians. A situation set to twist the tongue and bemuse the brain:

Eventually the world will run out of fossil fuels. This has been known for several years. Estimates vary about when this exactly will happen, but, in general, there is little debate about this scenario. It is also an indisputable fact that the technology for renewable energy exists; it just needs to implemented on a larger scale.

The power companies could have been integrating these technologies into their operations slowly over the past three or four decades; making the changeover from oil, gas, and coal to renewable forms of energy both orderly and cost efficient. Instead they've done next to nothing. Instead of solar panels and wind turbines, they've given us strip mines, pipelines, and fracking.

Legislatures -- at both federal and state levels -- have helped perpetuate this "head in the sand" attitude with giant subsidies for oil and gas exploration, laws to protect the purveyors of environmentally hazardous technologies, and taxes designed to discourage research or investment in renewable energy types.

In the process, these two forces have succeeded only in destroying the environment, ruining people's health, and causing catastrophic climate change. And all of this has been done in the name of quick, easy profits for a few wealthy, politically well-connected individuals. There are some things the capitalist should not be trusted with and one is the fate of the world.

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