Friday, June 13, 2014

Talk to People

Talk to people and listen to what they have to say. You'll be amazed at what you will find out.

Ask and probe, but don't press. Pay attention to both the answers given and the words withheld. Speech is audio in nature, but communication has a visual element to it also.

Don't assume you know something about someone until you've heard their entire story. Never react to a tale in the middle of the narrative. When you focus on a reply you miss vital information.

Don't interrupt speakers with stories about yourself. Or witty antidotes. You're not Oscar Wilde and this isn't an Edwardian cocktail party. Style points don't count.

Give advice only when advice is asked for, and then, only grudgingly. And don't be insulted if it goes unheeded. It's just advice, not a royal command. Besides, you could still be wrong. No one -- not matter how perceptive or well-meaning -- is infallible.

Most of what's wrong with the world comes from a lack of communication. Often this comes from not knowing how to communicate properly. I have done all the things I advise against and so has everyone else. Learn from my mistakes and from your own.

Be patient. Patience pays off. Be empathic. Empathy pays off. Voices and ears lead to hearts and hands.

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