Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Second Coming, Came and Went

The Second Coming has already occurred, but it wasn't covered on Fox News, so you probably didn't hear much about it. This is how it happened:

Jesus Christ returned to Earth last year, took a quick look around, attended services at the Westboro Baptist Church, listened to Pat Robertson and John Hagee on the radio, slapped Joel Osteen, read a couple of articles about the latest school shooting, stopped for a cappuccino at Starbucks, sent out some tweets, and then returned to Heaven.

These were the tweets:
"What the hell has been happening the last  two-thousand years? I thought I was quite clear about what I wanted. You've gotten it all wrong!"
"I don't own a gun. Human life doesn't begin at conception. The Bible should not be taken literally. Global warming is real. Sean Hannity is a dick."
"The phase Rich In Spirit should not be written out with a dollar sign replacing the S in spirit. No, not even if you also draw a little Jesus hanging from the T."
"I hate the following things in the following order: cruelty, racism, intolerance, hypocrisy, spandex, and decaf. Anything else you'd like to know?"
"You people are crazy. I'm outta here. . ."

Sorry, people, this was a one shot deal. Mr Christ is not coming back again. And it has nothing to do with scheduling problems. He just doesn't want to.

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