Thursday, April 14, 2016

Waiting. . .

Deep pockets. Shallow minds. Hollow hearts.

Evil always has excuses. Paradoxically, some of them are good.

"Guns for Toddlers." Donald Trump's latest idea intrigues his fellow republicans. They want to hear more, but only if the wee ones in question are Christian and White.

Every man is his own benchmark.

Remember what you need to. Forget what you can.

Half of life is waiting for the good stuff to happen. The other half is spent wondering why it never did.

Morning wisdom degenerates into mere common sense by mid-afternoon.

Eating One's Young: a Parent's Guide to crushing the life out of your children. Great name for a bad book, don't you think.

A Midsummer's Hard Day's Night. Ringo is Puck.

People don't pass away, they die. Grow up, world! You're adults now. Stop talking to each other like you're talking to young children. Life is harsh sometimes, but being an adult means being able to deal with harsh realities. Death is a harsh reality. Passing away is a pleasant fantasy.

Certainty is ignorance. Certainty is intolerance. Certainty is damnation.

If you still cling to the faith of your youth you have never really grown up. Popular religion has never fostered an adult view of the universe.

The when, the where, and the how are easily answered. The why is more difficult to nail down.

Conventional wisdom tends to be more conventional than wise.

Clouds: nature's Rorchach test in the sky.

Before the first definition, all terms are arbitrary.

It was a kind of crucifixion. A death in theological terms, if not an actual physical demise. Painful and dramatic and psychologically fatal.

The good die young and the wicked live forever.

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