Saturday, April 16, 2016

My Charnel House of Thoughts

The world has changed. Not for the better, not for the worse. It is different with no rhyme or reason. There was no thought involved. No plan was created and implemented. It just became what it became.

We are all just wandering around in the dark.

Drumpf, Druzef, Dubiof, or Domneyf. A dhoicef is no choice at all.

The light isn't dying, Dylan, the light is dead and buried.

I frequently take comfort in my own negativity.

Public and private are not mutually exclusive spheres. One can clearly affect the other, both for good and for evil.

I wanted instant gratification. They told me to take a number and stand in line.

The expiration date on my milk carton of human kindness ran out a month ago.

Pro golfers have a leader board. Soft drink companies have a two liter board.

Gun violence is the gravy on the meat and potatoes of American culture.

Silence. The absence of noise or the the inability to hear.

Just do nothing. Both the best and the worst advice possible.

There is no advantage in thinking poorly of people.

Twenty years ago it was already too late.

Searching for a reason to forget.

It takes a hole in the wall to let the light in. Don't shut yourself up too too tightly. You miss much that is worth experiencing by trying too hard to protect you and yours.

Try to appeal to people's better instincts, not their worst.

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