Thursday, April 14, 2016

Several Small Nothings

Just be yourself. Unless you're a total asshole. In that case, be someone else. That's my advice.

The myth of perfection is more easily maintained from afar than at closer proximity.

We are all at our best when we are alone.

Shit happens. In fact, mostly shit happens. That is to say: shit happens more than anything else happens.

Long night. Weird dreams. Welcome to my life.

Here is a man who has clearly had one martini too many from the open bar of life. . .

Be careful what you take on faith, least you be taken in by faith.

Nothing has brought out the racist in the average American more than having a black president. What was supposed to be a hopeful sign -- of a supposedly increasing color blind society -- has instead exposed the intolerant, illogical, paranoid, racist underbelly of American culture.

A big nothing followed by several small nothings.

It never ends; then, it ends.

Once you've stepped in the quicksand there is no way out. Struggle only kills you quicker. Calmness buys you time, but time only means a slower death.

"It's neat, it's more than neat, it's Cugat."

Relegated to the trash heap of linguistic history.

The times in which religion has marred natural behavior are as least as great as the times it has improved it.

It all goes by so fast. Keep your eyes open and enjoy the scenery.

Some people should just be slapped.

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