Saturday, April 16, 2016

Sour Grapes

There is always time to pay our respects to the dead.

Why chew when it can be swallowed whole?

Filthy minds cannot be sent to the dry cleaners.

The sublime and the ridiculous often exist in equal measures.

You are responsible for the action. The reaction is someone else's fault.

Sociopath politics.

Sooner or later you have to take the training wheels off of the bicycle.

Control is an illusion. We are all helpless in the arms of fate.

Wisdom is not born on cold writer mornings before the drive to work. Poetry doesn't suddenly appear in margins between fitful sleep and drudgery.

There is nothing more difficult to explain than the obvious.

My head turns momentarily to follow the object I'm passing and then pivots forward again.

I want to see her for the first time again. I want to introduce myself to her again. I want to talk to her after class again. I want to walk her to her car again. I want to sit next to her in film class again. I want to feel my pulse quicken when she walks into the room again. I want her to break my heart again.

Trash is a designation, not an intrinsic quality.

He who laughs last often doesn't understand the joke.

Who'd have thought that I would be the talkative one?

Life remains a mystery in more than a few ways.

All I want to do is write.

Sometimes sour grapes taste very sweet.

I'm on the "Living with Rick" diet. Eat your heart out Doctor Tarnover; because that's the only food your going to get around here.

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