Thursday, April 14, 2016


For society to advance, it must be willing to tolerate uncertainty. Certainty is stagnation.

Health science has shown that the best type of walk is the silly walk.

Driving on the freeway at night with new glasses is not a pleasurable activity.

The fear of eminent death is nothing compared with the terror of aging.

Drowning in this sea of consciousness. Stoned by the word. Metaphored to death.

The upwardly mobile sheep is still a sheep.

Born with a silver spoon up his ass.

Every time the man opens his mouth something stupid falls out.

The lies we tell ourselves are far worst than anything an outsider could concoct.

There is nothing less likely to fill one with the milk of human kindness than the drive to work in the morning.

Ah, Saturday, king of days! Let us fall down on our knees to sing your praises!! We salute your god-like presence at the end of the week!!!

The Cubs have lost and Jesus has gone back to Heaven. The Second Coming has been postponed for yet another year.

I didn't do it. I'm not to blame. It was San Andreas' fault.

You gotta watch where you step around here. I guess that's a good motto for life in general.

Time is an unreliable friend. It heals yes but, ultimately, it kills.

The inverse square law of celebrity. The smaller one's talent the larger the public's fascination with one's life and activities.

Fame is fleeting, but infamy is forever. Nobody remembers who Edwin Booth was, but everyone recognizes both the name and the face of his younger bother, John.

Only a believer can blaspheme.

Mornings are for anxiety.

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