Saturday, April 16, 2016

Stand on Your Head

Piety is almost always respected, but very rarely embraced.

Lip service costs nothing and delivers the same. Verbal praise helps no one.

Like life in general, individual lives evolve over time.

I am alone most of the time. And most of the time I like it that way. I am rehearsing for eternity.

There is nothing more pathetic than a devious dullard.

It will be one month before they become proficient at the job. Two months before they are thoroughly bored with their work. And three months before they can't stand the sight of this place or of you.

Most people are too busy with the work-a-day world to worry too much about abstractions. All art, all literature, all philosophy, all higher thought in general, is the result of leisure time.

Oh, Mr Technology, can you lend me your screwdriver?

Early morning of a middle weekday and mildly annoyed with life.

Life gets old fast. Sometimes you just need something new.

If it ain't bleeding don't apply a tourniquet.

There's difference between glad handing a customer and giving him a hand job. One is good business and one is Yuck!

The government isn't to blame if you can't get an erection.

America is a fading myth. Something that never was, but could have been, is now gone. The thing with feathers -- politically speaking -- is losing its plumage fast. The eagle is now really bald.

A leopard can't change its bullshit.

All flaws are fatal (for someone).

This frown is as near to a smile as you are going to get from me. If you're really worried about my happiness, stand on your head when you look at my picture.

Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed with what you actually get.

When two clairvoyants meet and immediately form a romantic attachment with one another its called "love at second sight."

He who doesn't care if he is liked or not is, inevitably, disliked.

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