Thursday, April 14, 2016

Natural Causes

Life is far too short to accomplish anything of note and far too long to waste entirely. That's the problem.

I have nothing in common with anyone.

In terms of dramatic narrative, there is nothing about my life that is particularly interesting or engaging.

Donald Trump is a boil on the bum of the body politic.

The importance of celebrity evades me.

A gift from Swiss Colony says you care. You just don't care very much.

Jesus was breast fed.

People don't pass away, they die. Passing away implies that you are somewhere and then you are somewhere else. Death is not being somewhere else, is not being at all.

Just because you can't image not being does not mean that some day you will not be.

There is something wrong with the legal system when the police can murder someone and the official cause of death is listed as "died from natural causes."

Christmas week. Sugar plums are already dancing in my head. At least I think they're sugar plums. They could be some sort of large insect, I'm not sure.

Those in love with poverty do nothing to combat it. They are part of the problem of poverty, not the answer to it. Love the poor, if you like, but hate their poverty with a passion.

The poor don't need your prayers, but food, shelter, education, healthcare, and a means to all of the above. They don't need a place in Heaven, but a reason to live on Earth.

The poor are not to blame for their poverty; neither are they blessed for it. God does not love the poor for their poverty, He loves them in spite of it.

God does not love suffering for its own sake. A hair shirt is expensive to make and painful to wear, but is of no practical use to anyone, including the Almighty. Sacrificing your comfort to aid another is good and proper, sacrificing it to prove your holiness is something else entirely.

Mike Judge's latest creation. Jesus and Butthead.

Macaroni and cheese is no feast, but it's still better than a plate of dirt. That's why I vote Democrat.

For the young all problems are solvable and all truths are simple ones. Those of lengthier years know, however, that no problems are simple and all solutions are gerry-rigged approximations of truth only.

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