Saturday, April 16, 2016

Expositoty Repository

The natural end to all human life is despair. Make yourself as comfortable as possible and try not to think about any of it too deeply.

When a belief no longer serves a useful purpose it's time to believe otherwise. The assumptions upon which we perpetually act must be logical and life-sustaining. Otherwise, an arsenal of sophisticated psychological weaponry is being used only to shoot ourselves in the foot.

Don't kid yourself. Everyone dies. And not with the sweet smell of success in one's nostrils. Failure is a major part of life.

The largest life is still microscopic.

Words can make anything seem important, no matter its inherent triviality.

"Make America white -- ah, I mean, great -- again!"

Boredom is the key to trouble's door. What is done for amusement's sake can sometimes ruin lives.

Everyone is taller on the moon.

I am a fool in April and in every other month.

Addressing the facts -- all of the facts -- is the first step in finding a solution to any problem.

Most jobs require qualifications. The presidency only requires the assent of the unqualified.

Long days ahead. No end in sight. No reward at the end of a long journey. No cookie. No pat on the back. No heaven. No hell.

The bigger the lie the bigger the liar and the bigger the eventual double down.

Saint Francis never went to the beach in search of the perfect tan.

When I lay on my back I'm sure I look like a corpse.

Intolerance and stupidity have been repackaged and re-labeled as religion. Religion is now an excuse for all behavior that would otherwise be deemed inexcusable.

How easy it is to speak for God. How easy it is to place your own words in the mouth of deity.

If the political demographics are against you, rig the electoral process. All arguments can be won by silencing your opponents.

Fair play is a spectator's virtue.

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