Thursday, April 14, 2016

Crawling Back Into a Hole

And what Ivy League school did your degree in political science come from?

It was a time I will always remember. And sometimes I wonder how I live with the memory. So sweet and so bitter. So much hope and so much confusion and pain. The autumn of my thirty-third year.

He told me that he had always wanted a smoking jacket, so I set his coat on fire.

Failure is the beginning of greatness, not the end.

Crawling back into a hole. And glad for the shelter.

For most people, the glass isn't half full or half empty, it's mostly empty.

He who remains optimistic with no good cause is a fool at best, blind at worst, and possibly developmentally challenged.

Pollyanna is dead and her body lies moldering in the ground.

I'm declaring this Friday "Punch the Optimist" Day.

You may call a shit hole anything you like, but it's still a shit hole.

Christians remained a marginalized sub-group within the Roman Empire until the powerful and the wealthy discovered that belief in the Christian God could be used as a medium for social control.

There is nothing more brutal, more confining, more life-draining than state religion.

The enlightenment began only when the church took her boot off of the common man's neck. Thus, blood was once again allowed to pump freely to the European brain.

Religion isn't about personal faith, it's about public creeds and institutional control.

First the Peach Festival. Now National Library Card Sign-up Week. The international jet set continue to flock to Romeo to satiate their decadent desires.

"Bristol Palin" that's native Alaskan for "shit for brains."

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