Thursday, April 14, 2016

Small Stuff

Religion, as the enforcer of conventional morality, has been an abject failure. The damned have always outnumbered the saved. No matter what the prevailing view of proper behavior has amounted to. Greed twists creed.

Yesterday I dug a hole. Today I'm filling it in. As to the significance of that, you may draw your own conclusions.

I'd rather have ethics than morals.

Ben Carson demonstrates a monumental ignorance of just about everything outside of his own profession.

Merely a branch on the crucifixion tree.

A discerning assessment of light and shadow.

All week long I've had a Halloween hangover. Caused, no doubt, by a video cabinet full of unwatched horror movies and a belly full of leftover candy.

I've got my weekend shoes on. . . Really, I do.

I make my apologies and I write a check for the rent. As if poetry can justify a lifetime misspent.

Pill down the drain. Bad day ahead.

Only so much can be pried from the lips of the dying.

I struggle with the small stuff and am crushed by the large.

Brevity is the soul of wit. His speech was long-winded, soulless chatter.

Once you've buttered the toast you can't shove it back into the toaster.

Real ignorance can be awe inspiring.

I do not march towards the future as much as I slouch and creep. Out of step. Resisting orders. Ill-armed. God's perfect little soldier.

If I have to tell you why it's wrong, your probably won't understand why it's wrong. True morality is self-explanatory.

Information is effectively negated by misinformation. The big lie is always more palatable than the big truth.

The fringes have moved to the center of the political stream. Common sense is now radical thought.

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