Thursday, April 14, 2016

One Against the Other

I am the original lost soul.

People plead not guilty when they damn well know that they're guilty and guilty when the prosecutor damn well knows that they're not; Such is the nature of the criminal justice system in the United States, where mutual dishonesty is forged into the official state record of the truth.

Now-a-days people parade their bigotry like it was a wounded soldier back from the war; in full regalia and in lock step with their neighbor. Many a lynching will be performed by the self-righteous. Many an evil event will be set in motion by those firmly convinced that God is on their side.

The longer I live the more I come to embrace the medieval view of creation. The vast majority of people are damned and rightfully so. The better angels of our nature have been stripped of their wings and lined up against the wall for summary execution. We wallow is in our own evil. Paradise was lost the second Man appeared on the scene.

There are days when "Fuck You" is the nicest thing you can say to anyone. Mondays and Tuesdays mostly, but the list varies.

I find joy where I may. In sounds that please my ear. In sights that catch my eye. In thoughts that delight my mind.

There are always enough hands to do the Devil's work.

Platitudes become attitudes.

A child learns how to further its personal goals by playing one parent against the other at a very early age. This pattern of behavior persists until it is no longer effective. Depending on the intelligence of this or her parents, sometimes the pattern persists throughout a lifetime.

The first question on the Fox pundit job application is "Are you stupid?" Answering "yes" won't always get you hired, but answering "no" will always result in additional time on the unemployment line.

Throughout the long winter, the heart sleeps. The mind reposes. At the window or at the hearth. The body moves only to keep warm. Its enthusiasm for life on the wain.

Nothing goes with plaid. Well, maybe polka dots or stripes, but nothing else.

Movie Parodies we never saw on SNL, but would have liked to see: Harold and Maude with Bud Cort and Bea Arthur. "God will get you for that Harold!"

No ending is happy, but all happiness comes to an end.

Shenanigans. The Irish have the perfect word for everything.

Oscar Wilde's sister was a pip.

Everyone ages. Do so gracefully if you can manage it.

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