Thursday, May 29, 2014

Silence of the Lambs, The Musical

Silence of the Lambs, The Musical

The Idea:
The only show currently on Broadway with dancing cannibals. An unconventional, but highly palatable love story. A love triangle between Clarice, Hannibal, & Crazy Guy.

Selling Points:
Singing. Dancing. Unspeakable Carnage. Group Rates Available. Specials Discounts for People with Strong Stomachs.

Song List:
01] Do I Hear a Lamb? (flashy opening number) - Clarice & The Chorus
02] I Wanna Be Loved to Death (a semi-serious duet) - Crazy Guy & Victim
03] Saturday Night Lockup (a novelty number) - Clarice & Boss
04] I Could Eat You Up (a Cole Porter-esque love song) - Hannibal
05] New Skin For a Lonely Guy (an old fashioned love song) - Crazy Guy
06] FBI Waltz (a slow number with plenty of stately choreography) - Clarice & Agents
07] A Caged Heart (a possible show stopper) - Hannibal
08] I've Grown Accustomed to Eating Your Face (a reflection on love and fine dining) - Hannibal
09] Dance Around the Pit (a Bob Fosse style dance routine) - Crazy Guy
10] Lector's Lecture (a talky song) - Hannibal
11] Pinto Beans, a Nice Chianti, and Thou (a problematic love song) - Hannibal & Clarice
12] Father Issues/Mother Complex (a split-screen duet) - Clarice & Crazy Guy
13] Infrared Hot (a hot dance number) - The Chorus & The Hannibal Dancers
14] Shot in the Dark (Stephen Sondheim eat your heart out) - Clarice
15] Finale: On a Plane to Somewhere/Til We Meet Again (the big ending) - Clarice & Hannibal

"The most tasteless show since The Sound of Music."
"I laughed. I cried. I bought carry out. What more can you ask from a night at the theatre?"
"Role of Hannibal should have been cast with a real cannibal. Face eating in Act Two didn't look real."
"Not exactly my cup of tea, but evidently this is what the kids like these days."
"A powerhouse of a show. The audience really ate it up!"
"The seats were comfortable and there was a bar across the street. Enjoyed SOTLTM mucho much."
"This show screams out for a sequel. No, sorry, that was the woman sitting behind me."

NOTE: No Texans were harmed in the production of this show.

I have a funny idea this might actually be do-able.

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