Monday, May 5, 2014

He Paints With Words

He paints with words. Water color phrases and acrylic spaces. Laid down with a deft hand. Imagist sketches of life. Thoughts pulled from hearts fire. Small shouts lost in large seas. Soul depth voices. Dark hues. Brightened by florescent dreams.

He paints with words. Chalk circle scrapings and grass carvings. Smeared with crayoned fingers. Profane prophecies. Chiseled in white beach sand. And cloudless turquoise skies. Testaments in blood. Gospels of song. Mixing metaphor and moonlight.

He paints with words. Charcoal tinted rust and fairy dust. Spilled from his pen like star-shine. Odd combinations. Strange uses of shading and shadows. Chiaroscuro moments pop from pages. Mysteries divine. Translucent faces. Grinning at life and death.

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