Friday, May 23, 2014

Big Rally

Can't stop to chat. I'm going to the big "Suppress the Vote" rally over at the Joe McCarthy charter school. Are you coming? I have two extra signs. IMPEACH OBAMA and THE POPE IS A COMMIE. Which one would you like to carry? Oh, and don't forget your assault riffle. They're having a penis size contest. Biggest gun wins a case of Viagra.


All the biggies will be there. Pat Robertson has been asked to conduct the pre-rally prayer asking God to "take out" the President. Ted Nugent is going to do a heavy metal version of The Star Spangled Banner while simultaneously shitting his pants. And Pat Sajak is giving a talk on patriotic racism and global warming. It should be interesting. No, no, it's come as white as you are; hood optional, of course.

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