Wednesday, May 21, 2014

I Had a Dream of Moonlight

Every once in a while I catch myself smiling for no reason. I explain this momentary instant of joy by saying that I've seen the face of God and then, just as quickly, forgotten my vision. The smile is the aftermath of seeing or sensing the divine in the world around me. This is an old poem, but I like it. It just goes to show that even an agnostic has his spiritual moments:

I had a dream of moonlight
  Knifing through the night
    A single silver shaft
      Cold but strikingly bright;
Lighting the road beneath my feet
  Casting shadows across the street
    Straight as Aaron's staff
      Or a field of winter wheat.
I heard God speak, to me he spoke
I dreamt a dream and then awoke.

I had the thought of sunshine
  Falling on the blind
    Pouring into the room
       Like honey colored wine;
Bringing to mind the days ahead
  Free of fear, devoid of dread
    Confident as a groom
      Or a bride newly wed.
I saw a kingdom, my own Camelot
I had a thought and then had not.

I caught a glimpse of Paradise
  Amide the snow and ice
    A haven for the heart
      An illusion but nice;
Shimmering in the sun's last rays
  Glowing like a cathedral ablaze
    Apart yet a part
      Of all our daunted days.
I try to explain and I am undone
I caught a glimpse but only one.

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