Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Rabbit Lunch

One of my favorite scenes in one of my favorite films:

DANNY: These are good sprouts.
MAC: I saw a man on the beach today. Who was that?
GORDON: That would be Ben.
MAC: Does he live in the shack?
MAC: And he lives there all year?
GORDON: Oh, yes.
MAC: Doesn't he get cold?
GORDON: Oh, he's used to it. How's the caserole de lapan?
MAC: Excellent. Terrific. Thank you.
DANNY: Lapan, that's rabbit. . .
MAC (to Gordon): Is this my rabbit?
MAC: Trudy!
GORDON: We don't allow animals in the rooms. We should have told you sooner.
MAC: It was a pet, not an animal. It had a name. You don't eat things with names. This is horrific!
GORDON: It was a rabbit, that's all. It was in shock with a broken leg. It was in pain.
DANNY: Excuse me, Mr. Urquart, but I think you were being a bit hasty. Mac was looking after it. All it needed was lots of rest and the proper treatment. There was every chance for a full recovery and a fully active life. Mac was on top pf the situation.
GORDON (to Stella): Mac didn't like the rabbit.
DANNY: Mac loved the rabbit. That's just the point. It had a name. It had two names!
GORDON: I'm sorry, there just isn't a whole lot I can do. We're past the point of calling in the vets.
STELLA: Don't be such a clown, Gordon. Get into the kitchen and make some coffee.
GORDON: It had a broken leg. It was a clean snap. You can check the bones in the dish if you don't believe me. . .
STELLA: I'm sorry, Mac, but we eat rabbits here. The vet would have done the same. I didn't know it had a name.
MAC: It's okay, Stella.
STELLA: You don't have to finish it if you don't want to. How was it, anyway?
MAC: It was nice. Apart from it being Trudy, it was nice.
STELLA: What lovely eyelashes you have.
MAC: Was it a wine sauce?
STELLA: Yea. Yea, I just let it simmer for a couple of hours in some white wine. Why did you call it Trudy?
MAC: No reason.

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