Monday, June 8, 2015

Small Evil

I don’t know if there's a God or not; I have no idea if Heaven exists or if Dante's Inferno is fictional or real, but I do know this: every person who has ever lived is a mixture of good and bad. Most of the evil in the world is small evil, done by small people. Murderers are few and far between, but the insensitive and the cruel swarm the earth with their numbers. We damn ourselves in small ways. Every tiny inconsideration, every convenient callousness, every omission of good manners or failure to support those in need lessens our humanity and helps to deliver the world into chaos and despair. The road to Hell -- metaphorically speaking -- isn't paved with good intentions. It isn't paved at all, but laid down haphazardly by a billion blaspheming mouths, a billion grasping hands, and a billion clumsy feet.

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