Monday, June 8, 2015

Chicken Jokes

Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side.

Why did the duck cross the road? He wanted to know what the chicken thought was so interesting.

Why did the fox cross the road? Lunch.

Why did the hound cross the road? He was chasing the fox.

Why did the second chicken stay home? It was too crowded on the other side of the road.

Why did Jeb Bush cross the road? I don't know why, but he came right back and then he denied ever having been on the other side.

Why did the sociologist cross the road? Studies show that college educated white males will cross the road eight to twelve times over the course of their working lifetimes.

Why did the cop cross the road? Pre-Ferguson punchline: The Donut shack was on the other side. Post-Ferguson punchline: There were no African-American males to shoot on this side of the road.

Why did the Zen master cross the road? There is no road. There is no chicken. There is no Zen master.

Why did the climate change denier cross the road? It was still above water.

Why did Bugs Bunny cross the road? He took a wrong turn at Albuquerque.

Why did Kim Kardashian cross the road? I don't know why, but it's trending.

Why did the squirrel cross the road and then scurry right back again? I don't know why, but he's leaning towards Bush.

Why did the zombie chicken cross the road? Chicken brains!

Why did the hopeless neurotic cross the road? Alecktorophobia ("the fear of chickens")

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