Sunday, June 28, 2015

From the Notebook

All lusts are in the heart.

He never learned to play exactly, but he liked the sound of the keys beneath his fingers. . .

Racism is bad for the soul, that's a given, but it won't become unfashionable in political circles until it's bad for the pocket book also.

Having anything to do with her was a bad idea right from the very beginning. No matter my supposed motivation -- good or bad -- it was never anything else. No good was ever going to come from it.

Holes in the heart cannot be filled with painters' putty. Scarred tissue does an admirable, albeit imperfect, job.

Fire burns, but it is smoke that kills.

Life is a collection of cheap thrills. Roll-a-coaster ride anyone?

The universe is filled with metaphor and very little else.

Success is wonderful, but it is failure that teaches us the most. By this criterion, I must be the most knowledgeable person in the world.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Not everyone is entitled to their actions. Opinions are free, actions must be paid for.

Race is based on the concept of sub-species; an idea that has no real meaning outside of the world of scientific classification and organization.

The Confederate flag might be part of "who they are" but it should not be part of who they want to be.

Hell hasn't frozen over, but the temperature definitely fell about fifty degrees.

I don't think the picture is that bad, honestly, but the color of the wall behind it makes me want to puke.

The desire to remain a physical being drives all physical activity.

Everyone knew it was ironic, but they did it anyway. I find that ironic.

Now we know why so many people commit suicide in hotel rooms. Bad artwork.

A list of the things I don't care about could fill a library of thick volumes with thin pages and small type. Their opposite could be scribbled on the back of a business card with a small child's crayon.

We are damned not for our beliefs, but by our actions.

The Christian soldier like any other man of arms performs at the Devil's bidding.

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