Monday, June 29, 2015

In May I Wrote

The price of gas is always lowest the day after your last fill up.

The tragedy of life isn't that it ends, but that it goes on as long as it does. I wonder if the world wasn't a better place when life was short, violent, and eventful. A quick death seems preferably to a lingering life.

"On the anniversary of the day when I last gave a damn." Great title for a book or something, don't you think?

God is dead. We were all invited to the funeral and no one came. Everyone went to the hockey game instead. And the Wings lost. In a shootout. Of course.

It is perception and perception alone that turns a weed into a flower. Nothing else is required.

A woman in retreat is more dangerous than one in pursuit.

There is nothing so ridiculous that you can't talk yourself into believing. No one is more gullible -- that is to say, more susceptible to our own silly arguments -- than we are ourselves.

If she had really wanted to torture me she would have subjected me to her company for a month or two. That would have maimed me for life.

All these pictures of mothers have given me diabetes. Thank you, America! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go take my insulin.

Let go. Don't let go. What are we to do?

Much longer than the weekend itself are the two days leading up to the weekend. Thursday has forty-eight hours and Friday forty-nine.

An elephant sitting on your chest is a bad way to begin the day.

You can't buy a man who refuses to be sold. Political corruption is a reciprocal process.

The soundtrack to life is garbled and difficult to understand. Most of us are just background noise.

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