Monday, September 14, 2015

The Real Enemy

On the anniversary of 9/11, please ask yourself the following questions:

How many people in the United States have died in the last fourteen years as a result of gun violence?
How many people in the United States have died in the last fourteen years because they couldn't afford proper medical care?
How many people world wide have died in the past fourteen years as the result of American military action?
How many people world wide have died in the past fourteen years at the hands of American supported dictatorships?
How many people world wide have been killed in the past fourteen years by American made and American supplied weapons?
How many people in the United States and world wide have died in the past fourteen years because of the negligence and greed of American corporation interests?

Google it. I can wait. Write down your answers. Be conservative if you wish.

I think you will find that any of the above figures -- even by conservative estimates -- dwarves the number of lives lost in the three terrorists attacks carried out in New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington in September 2001.

The United States Government doesn't suicide bomb buildings. The United States Government doesn't behead people on camera. The United States Government doesn't run tanks over people on the streets of American cities. But when it comes to doling out death, America takes a back seat to no one. We are the ultimate in state terrorism. America. Land of the free. Home of the brave. General Motors. Bank of America. Lockheed Martin. Smith and Wesson. Exxon. Monsanto. Halliburton. Blackwater. R.J. Reynalds. And FOX News.

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