Saturday, September 5, 2015

Abandoned Thoughts Graphically Manipulated

You can't save the damned. We are beyond redemption.

Life produces cynicism, then despair, then resignation, then it's over.

Crazy people make sane people crazy. Sane people make crazy people crazier.

Shallow and selfish generally go together.

Old wounds are the most troublesome.

What is there in a face that makes it more agreeable than any other face?

If there is anyone on earth who is less like Jesus than Donald Trump -- a money grubbing, womanizing, self-aggrandizing, racist twit -- I'd be hard pressed to name them. What a joke. . .  

A blank page. An empty canvas. A new day. Waiting to be filled with words or images or life. 

A lifetime of happiness? Who could stand such a thing?

Maybe I'm just reaching the point where I finally have something to say. Maybe my delusions are just getting worse.

Possible sketch for SNL. A parody of Tuesdays with Morrie with Mitch Albom and Maury Povich. In the end, Mitch is NOT the father.

First rate mother, second rate agent. Seriously, no one's perfect. At least you didn't book her at a burlesque theatre. Now that would have been embarrassing.

If I ever found a new town or village I'm going to name it Squalorton or Squalorville. "Where are you living?" they will ask. "In Squalor" I will reply.

Addresses on Easy Street are difficult to come by. 

Too early for philosophy. Too late for anything else.

21,321. . . and counting.

Instead of building a wall on the Canadian border, let's board up Scott Walker's mouth.

Mirrors are dangerous and unpopular articles of furniture.

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