Saturday, September 5, 2015

More of the Same

It's a fool's game. I know. But it's the only game in town. And there are no other towns.

Some things don't lend themselves to analysis. Two plus two always equals four. Unless it equals five.

Babies cry for a reason. And the crying lasts a lifetime. Until the quiet of mother earth replaces that of mother's womb.

Well lit avenues offer little for those sick of sunshine.

The greatest blessing and the greatest curse is to see ourselves as we really are.

I spent my last $14 on a new wallet. How ironic is that? I feel like O Henry.

The longest tale begins with a single sentence. The longest journey with a single step. One foot along the path is followed by another and another. And soon you're far from home. In a place unimagined and unimaginable from your own front yard. Real adventures are rarely planned in advance.

Is your day something to be celebrated or something to be survived?

Depression attacks. A sponge soaked in holy water or ether. A silver knife beneath a satin sheet. A pleasant memory that hits bone. Before it draws blood from the skin.

The heart beats for no reason. Life is not purpose driven.

Hydra hands. Janus face. Minotaur heart. It's all Greek to me.

The conversation was so lively I couldn't get a pause in edgewise.

There is death in the sky. And in the water, too. And in the soil beneath our feet. And in every word uttered by every mouth

Life is a leaky boat. Grab a bucket and start bailing.

"Merry at dinner, dead by supper."

She was born during a hurricane and raised in the rubble.

Keats' mother was known to point out his spelling errors.

There is no glory in a folded flag. Every death in battle is a tragedy. Every war is a defeat for both sides.

When is someone going to make a documentary about Ned Glass?

It takes a supreme act of will not to slash one's wrists in the morning.

I'm a "the glass is broken and the liquid is soaking into my parents' new carpet" kind of guy.

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