Thursday, October 1, 2015

Stream of Consciousness Nonsense

I think people should be divided into two groups: wet and dry. The wet people could go live at the beach. The dry people could live elsewhere. Everybody gets along. War averted. All problems solved. I know. I know. It's too simplistic. What about the moist and the semi-moist, you ask? Where would they live? My answer? Finland. For food they could eat caribou cakes. For exercise they could run laps. What more could anyone want?

See? I have thought this out. The Beach. Finland. Elsewhere. Not to mention China. Damn! I wasn't going to mention China. But now that I have, here's a bit of advice. If you ever find yourself in Peking remember to duck. Evidently, sticking your head too far above your collar is dangerous. I don't know the full story behind that, but it must be important. You hear it all the time: "Peking. . . Duck! Peking. . . Duck!!" Especially in restaurants.

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