Saturday, November 1, 2014

More Random Thoughts.

When you tar everyone with the same brush the brush gets dirty fast.

If personalities were physical ailments, yours would be a paper cut; annoying, momentarily painful, but largely inconsequential.

When taking my new razor out of the packaging I cut myself on the plastic.

"Hell is other people." I'm almost positive Jean Paul Sartre wrote this line while driving. Maybe he was stuck in bumper to bumper traffic on the Boulevard of Crime.

When you live in a cage you soon come to believe that bars are a normal feature of the landscape.

The stream of consciousness is frequently polluted with cerebral waste material.

The blessing is in the perception of reality, not in the reality itself.

When the only thing that can be done is what needs to be done, choice is an illusion and heroism a mute point.

He who chooses his own honor over the wellbeing of others mistakes ego for honor.

Self-sacrifice is the only real sacrifice. Everything else is robbery or murder.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will develop ulcers.

The greatest curse bestowed on any individual is the ability to see everyone's point of view.

One step is often one step too many. When balanced on a cliff edge tread lightly.

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