Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Author's Dossier

I write in spurts. When light creeps in through the edges of shroud covered windows. And doors bolted on the inside pop open for a infinitesimally brief instant. I write in spurts.

I write in haste. When a word left unspoken might be lost forever. And a thought left unexpressed will stick in my heart like a rush of clean water in a rusty pipe. I write in haste.

I write in delight. When the muse of occasion engulfs my brain in fragrant fire. And the impulse to move becomes slightly greater than the usual clarion call to inertia. I write in delight.

I write in hope. When the spirit moves me to song, but my voice gets stuck in my throat. And the disparaging parts of me unite to create something beautiful or unique. I write in hope.

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