Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Pot, Please. . .

Laura Ingraham: "Like Big Brother in 1984, Obama supports marijuana use to keep Americans anesthetized."

If Ingraham smoked a joint once in a while maybe she wouldn't be such a tight ass. If anyone needs recreational drugs, it's this woman. . .


  1. There are very few people in the world that just the sight of makes me vomit. Ingraham is one.

  2. OK, now I have to clean off my keyboard because I barfed when I saw this picture ...

  3. Actually, I feel similarly about marijuana as I do about alcohol: 1) I don't need it to "feel good," and 2) I wonder if the "real me" comes out under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or just the opposite? Anyway, if people have to take something to enhance their mood, I much prefer marijuana, which - as far as I know - doesn't cause hangovers or make you drive recklessly or wear a lampshade for a hat. Well, maybe the latter.

  4. Note time of postings. I think my computer is on Pacific time. Blame eBay.
