Monday, July 7, 2014

Pet Proverbs

"Hey, at least be kind to the dog." --an old beagle proverb

"F@ck all of you! Now fork over the f@cking catnip." --an old tabby proverb

"Overfed? Underfed? Floats to the top of the bowl." --an old goldfish proverb

"A single slither in the grass is worth a hundred walks on the wild side." --an old snake proverb

"Aaa, what's up, doc? What, you think Mel Blanch wrote his own material?" --an old rabbit proverb

"Who's a pretty boy? Repeated over and over again." --an old parrot proverb

"What's a proverb? Pass the pellets." --an old hamster proverb

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