Saturday, October 25, 2014

The Speed of Darkness

The speed of darkness. Turns the head in a flash. Flutters the eye lashes. Like a humming bird's wings. Leaves me alone. Far from light.
The space of silence. Shatters the ear. Beats a broken drum. Like a cripple tapping his crutch. Against a hollow heart. Empty with remorse.
The touch of time. Freezes the brain. Stiffened the limb. Like hemp threads wound around a promise. A glue made of marrow. And motion.

The speed of darkness. Voids the tongue. Quashes words. Like a scarf over the face. Abandons me to dream. A formless shadow.
The scent of despair. Stops muscle.  Leaves longing in tact. Like a limb lost but not forgotten. A feathered memory. Plumage stripped.
The fingers of fate. Push and prod. Squeeze metaphor from throats. Like paste from a metal tube. Ribs crack. And breath is difficult.

The speed of darkness. Shocks and awes. Numbs the senses. Like a cat claw across my skin. Draws blood to the surface. Oxidizes life.
The dance of desire. Tires the feet. Defeats wallflower common sense. Like a parent's prerogative. Overrules logic. Out thinks thought.
The hand of God. Hammers deity. Pounds sacristy. Like a nail driven into the savor's flesh. Blinds the cruel dawn. In hideous waves.

The speed of darkness. Turns the head in a flash. Flutters the eye lashes. Like a humming bird's wings. Leaves me alone. Far from light.
The space of silence. Shatters the ear. Beats a broken drum. Like a cripple tapping his crutch. Against a hollow heart. Empty with remorse.
The touch of time. Freezes the brain. Stiffened the limb. Like hemp threads wound around a promise. A glue made of marrow. And motion. . .

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