Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Request


Dear Representative Douglas C. Wozniak,

Please vote against the proposed D&E abortion ban. You are not a doctor and should not be dictating medical care.  Every person’s circumstance is different and every pregnancy is unique. We all deserve health care based on our medical needs and our doctor’s expertise, not a politician’s ideology. The bottom line is that I do not want my legislator telling my doctor what to do. Decisions regarding my medical care should be left to me, my family, and my doctor - NOT POLITICIANS. Please vote NO and stay out of the exam room.

Michael Goodman



Thank you for taking the time to contact my office to express your opposition to the proposed Dismemberment and Evacuation ban. As someone that respects the sanctity of life, I plan on supporting any legislation that would protect unborn children. Thank you again for contacting my office.  If I can ever be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Your Friend,
Douglas Wozniak
State Representative
District 36



You are not my friend. You are just another ignorant politician who wishes to foist their own personal beliefs upon the voting public. You care nothing about the sanctity of life or about the health and well-being of those you supposedly represent. A woman’s right to end an unwanted pregnancy is guaranteed under U.S. law. Her decision to do so is a private matter between her and her doctor upon which you have no right to intrude. The proposed law you speak of is merely an attempt to do an end-run around the Constitution. If you really want to lower the abortion rate in the State of Michigan try passing a law that mandates  the teaching of sex education in the public schools and provides for reasonably priced and readily available contraception for working class Michiganders. The way to protect the unborn is to teach, encourage, and support responsible sexual behavior in adults and adolescents, not to ban a medical procedure about which you know nothing about. You might also want to stop accepting campaign donations from so-called pro-life groups who are clearly more interested in pushing their misogynist policies through the state legislature than in helping Michigan women or their babies. You might try representing the public for a change and not just the special interest groups that support you and your party.

I repeat: you are not a doctor and you have no right to dictate medical policy in the State of Michigan. Vote NO and stay out of the exam room.

Michael S. Goodman

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