Monday, August 5, 2019

There Is A Darkness

There is a darkness. A hollow space in every heart. Where fear incubates. And the better angels of our nature are banished.
It is there I find no solace. Drowning in deep water. Haunted by my farther’s ghost. It’s always “To be or not to be.”

There is a darkness. A empty air among the trees. Where silence echoes. And food for the soul leaves the forest famished.
It is there I find no solace. Tethered to the wounded earth. Decay filling my nostrils. A stranger to myself, a tented refugee.

There is a darkness. A black void between the stars. Where forces reign. And all trace of life and thought has vanished.
It is there I find no solace. Lost in the interstellar. A sparrow in Galileo’s eye. Sentient but alone in the wine dark sea.

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